9 February 2008

potato cakes

Woke up somewhere where I probably shouldn't have this morning. It was sunny though and I still had both my shoes, so I walked home smiling.

Haven't really worked out exactly what I want to do with this blog yet, or if anyone will actually ever read it, but it's filling some hungover hours so I'll carry it on for now. Been listening to the Wombats today. 'Pipedream' makes a lot of sense to me right now. Also the Teenagers, just because they make me smile. Watched some of True Romance, and drank Coke to cure the hangover. Works like a dream.

Still trying to piece together last night. I know that I DWWD (dutty wined while drunk) and drank cranberry juice and vodka from a pint glass while sulking because I didn't like the music.

Today there are a thousand things I should be doing but they all involve leaving my bed.

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